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The Lathrop Family Travelling in Spain


How We Got Here

We are the Lathrop family, and a few years ago, we went A.W.O.L. and started traveling the world! 😜


After a life-changing event in 2016, we decided it was time to sell our home and move abroad to see the world- going from Florida (USA) to Valencia, Spain! ​Our family has visited over 5 countries so far, with lots more on our list! 


We have 4 girls and a boy- ages 20 down to 5, and started traveling internationally when our youngest was just over a year old. Travelling with babies up through the angsty teen years brings different challenges, and we hope to share what we've learned with our readers!


My husband and I also run our own online business. Working remotely allows for a lot of flexibility- but also adds a bit to the chaos and messiness of our daily lives. 


We've learned how to REALLY get organized- from budgeting and planning to packing and prep! Organization is a key part of making family travel as smooth as possible, but we weren't always so organized and put together! We had to learn on the fly- sometimes quite literally! 😅


I hope that you find lots of value from sharing our adventures along with us, and please don't hesitate to contact me if there's something you'd like to hear more about!

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